Lib-Tech Double Dip 23-24

It’s been like a dream being an artist for Lib-Tech - our relationship is more like family. The new Lib-Tech Double Dip model for 23/24 season was just released. It was based off a panel carving I did while teaching at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking last summer. Lib-Tech is located in Sequim, about 35 mins from the school I was carving at. During the week, on a Wednesday, I sent a photo to Pete Saari (owner) saying that the panel could be a graphic. By Friday, Pete and Annette (graphic designer for Lib-Tech) came to visit the school and see the piece. It was finished in the week, which isn’t a typical timeframe. But, carving for 8-9 hours a day, you can get a lot done. The graphic is based off the panel I carved depicting Raven.

It’s an honor to share my culture and heritage thru the art on the snowboard. It’s a huge platform that goes beyond my reach. Working with Lib-tech has been incredible, huge thank you to everyone involved. Dream come true.

The snowboard is now hitting local shops worldwide, you can also find it online at