FNRad Snowboard Podcast - James Johnson

James Johnson is an award winning Tlingit Artist and Carver who grew up snowboarding in Juneau Alaska. He practices traditional Tlingit Lineform an art form with over 10'000 years of history. His artwork has been used by Vans, Lib Tech, Smartwool, Volcom, Yeti and several other brands.

He belongs to the Tlingit Ch’áak’ Dakl’aweidi Clan (Eagle Killerwhale). James's great great grandfather was Chief Gusht’eiheen (“Spray off the Dorsal Fin”) of the Dakl’aweidi of the Xutsnoowú Kwáan (Angoon, Alaska). His great grandfather was Chief Jimmy Johnson, and his grandfather was Chief Peter Johnson. Whom he is named after - James Peter Johnson. James’s strong ancestral history led him to purse the Tlingit art form. His late father, Franklin Johnson, first encouraged him to begin carving. James has now dedicated his life to perpetuating the Tlingit art form, honoring his ancestors thru his work.

The Eighth Season of the FnRad Podcast is Presented Vans Social https://www.instagram.com/vanscanada/ Website https://www.vans.ca/en-ca

Hosted by Erik Traulsen